Easily see Collaborators across all Rise courses

Mar 25, 2021

Is there any way to export Rise properties such as collaborators and theming? Our team has 35+ Rises that we actively work on and other than going into the course and looking through the settings, there is no easy way of assessing who has the rights to edit/modify the course and what the theming choices are (font, colors, etc.).

Interested to hear if this is possible or at all on the roadmap!

2 Replies
Frederick Bergeron

I 100% agreed with the post above. Managing those ‘files’ when you have a big team is not very user friendly.

Also, why is it when we changed the ownership of a course to someone else, it revert back that previous owner to been only a Course collaborator- it doesn’t makes sense. I just had 23 courses that I needed to stay as a Manager on those but had to switch the ownership to a teammate. Not only I had to do that with each course one by one, but once done, that teammate had to go into each of them individually to gave me back the Manager status- not very productive.