Embedding a link in Rise 360

Dec 05, 2022


Is there any real difference in whether you embed a link using the multimedia block or attaching a link to a word or phrase in a text block? They seem to function in the same way to me. Is that correct or is there any particular advantage to using either way?

Thank you


2 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Liz! When you use an embed block, you're going to get some dedicated space for that content which will display in one of 2 ways:

Displaying a preview of the content with the option to open it in another window:

embed block using URL



 Displaying the actual web content right within the block:

embed block using iframe

In the above examples, I used the same web URL, but in the second image, I added it using an iframe code to bring it right into the lesson.

A hyperlink in your text can be clicked to open the content in another window, and it doesn't show any sort of preview of the content.