Embedding Storyline into Tabs interaction on Rise

Feb 11, 2022

I’m trying to embed one of my storyline modules into an organized tab in a rise Instructor Training course I'm building. Adjusting the iframe width/height doesn’t make the actual module any larger. Is there anyway to fill this tabs bucket with the content of my module itself and not a bunch of blank space- without killing the title and bottom navigation from the player properties in my storyline file? I want to keep with the tabs as opposed to individual storyline embeds because I would like to keep it organized. Screen shot for reference: 

Storyline in Rise 360 Tab

6 Replies
Luciana Piazza

Hello Nick!

Thanks so much for reaching out! Happy to help.

You'll need to do the following to see your Storyline course display as expected in your Tabs block.

  1. Publish your Storyline 360 course for Web Distribution and host your content on a web server of your choice. (I tested this out using Amazon Web Services.)
  2. From there, go to Rise 360 and select the pencil in the top left corner of the block to edit content.
  3. Once you've clicked Edit for the tab item, click on Replace with embed.
  4. Finally, insert the URL for the course within an iFrame formula.

Here's a quick Peek where I walk you through achieving this in a Tabs Block! 

Please let me know if you have any questions!