Embedding Videos from Mediasite into Rise Modules

Dec 09, 2020

We store our videos on Mediasite which is tied to our transcribing vendor. From there, we embed them into our Canvas courses. However, one of our faculty members wants to embed her video into her Rise module but is having difficulty. Can someone tell me how to do this? Thanks in advance.

1 Reply
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Jami. I haven't worked with Mediasite before, but a quick search tells me that you can embed your content from there into other sites. If you can get an embed code for your content from Mediasite, use the multimedia embed block in Rise 360 to add the video to your lesson. When you enter it into the block, it should look like this:

<iframe src="video URL here"></iframe>

You might see some other parameters like height and width, but generally an iframe embed code will follow that formatting. If you have trouble, you can share the embed code here, and we can troubleshoot. You can also share it with us privately by clicking here.