Embeded video didn't show in Rise

Feb 12, 2017

hi, I have embedded a goanimate video in Rise, but it only displayed the video information (see screen shot). I tried the embedded code in an online tester and it worked. Can you please assist?

Here is the code:<iframe scrolling="no" allowTransparency="true" allowfullscreen frameborder="0" width="640" height="360" src="https://goanimate.com/player/embed/06ZsOE0O6DT0"></iframe>



14 Replies
John Toh

That's great Adam, and thanks for your quick response!

Are you able to provide an estimate release date? My first Rise project is going live in 2 weeks time. I will need to inform the project team to use the download video option (not our preferred option) if the fix is not release by then.

Looking forward to your response!

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Dawn! It sounds like you want to embed the survey directly in your lesson. To do that, you'll need to use an iFrame code.

Use the formula <iframe src="URL"></iframe>. Just replace URL with the link for the Qualtrics survey you want to embed.

As long as Qualtrics allows their content to be displayed in a frame, the code above should work!

Dawn Peterson

Hum. That is what I did but I keep getting generic Qualtrics text that I cannot update even in inspector mode. Bet they don't allow for it! Thank you!

Dawn Peterson
Senior Instructional Designer, VP
Training & Education
Citizens Bank

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