"File not Found" error for embedded Vimeo and YouTube video links

Nov 20, 2017

I've added several links for Vimeo and YouTube videos (not my own but random ones for testing purposes). Then I exported (no LMS). When I viewed the course on Firefox (v57.0) I do not see the embedded video only the error, "File not found"

Firefox can’t find the file at /widgets/media.html?src=https://www.youtube.com/embed/KYRj-3eBdAQ?feature=oembed&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYRj-3eBdAQ&image=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KYRj-3eBdAQ/hqdefault.jpg&key=40cb30655a7f4a46adaaf18efb05db21&type=text/html&schema=youtube.

Is it because Vimeo and YouTube have blocked this kind of access?



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