Get Storyline quiz Score to report in Rise

May 19, 2021

Hi! I needed to add more features to my final assessment than the available on the Rise course quiz lesson, so I created a Storyline 360 quiz, but now I need it to do the next thing:

- When the score is passing they are allowed to move to the next lesson.

-When the user fails, the next lesson is blocked and they have to redo the quiz until they have a passing score.

How can I take the score from Storyline to Rise to validate the passing or failed score. Is that something to do from the Storyline file or from Rise?


Thank you much!

8 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Kevin!

You can prevent the learner from moving past the Storyline block quiz by including a "complete course" trigger on the results slide of the Storyline content. Here's how:

  1. Delete the current Storyline block in your Rise 360 lesson.
  2. On the Storyline results slide Passed layer, add this trigger: Complete course when the timeline starts on this layer.
  3.  When you publish your Storyline course to Review 360, choose Track using complete course trigger.

  4. Add the updated Storyline block to your Rise 360 lesson.
  5. Open the Continue button settings, and be sure to set the Completion Type to require learners to Complete the block(s) above the continue block.

Give that a try, and let me know if that works for you!

Chino Navarro

Hi Kevin! Can you send us the following?

1. A screenshot of the settings of your Storyline 360 course's Reporting and Tracking Options.

Sample screenshot:

2. A screenshot of your Complete course trigger.

Sample screenshot:

3. A screenshot of your Rise 360's Continue button's settings.

Sample screenshot: