Getting "Import failed: Check formatting or re-export translation" when trying to import translated XLIFF file in Rise course

Oct 04, 2018


I translated my Rise course (EN > FR) using MateCat. When I try to import the translated text, I get the error message "Import failed: Check formatting or re-export translation"

I've checked the state of the exported XLIFF file and it has the correct info, as far as I can tell.
<target xml:lang="fr-FR" state="translated">TEST</target>

Has anyone found a solution to this issue?

35 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Lisa! You'll want to make sure that you're exporting the translation file from the same course where you're importing it. This means duplicating the course for each language version, and exporting an XLIFF file for each duplicate. 

If that's what you're doing, please reach out to us here, and we can work with you on a solution!

Gren Foronda

Hi Aris!

Sorry to hear about the error you are getting when importing the translated XLIFF/XLF files into your Rise course.

First thing to check is if you are importing the translated XLIFF/XLF file into the same course where you have exported the translation file. Also, make sure that you don't have any blank lessons in your Rise course. Both of these are discussed here.

We'd like to look into this issue closely as well -- please share your files with us by creating a case here.

Marine LWL

Alright, I'm afraid I have the same problem : 

Created a Storyline test course with only a slide > Duplicated > Export xliff 2.0

Translated 100% in Matecat, no tags errors > "Dowload Translation"o r "export xliff"

When I reimport in SL, I get the same error as everybody.

My one and only slide has like only "Translation test" written on it ... And still, it fails. 

Why is that ???

EDIT : xliff to target converter doesn't convert the downloaded file form Matecat ... Maybe Matecat has a problem there ??

Switching back to Word. Really a pity because I like the propagation option a lot ... 

Marine LWL


Are people really using sucessfully MateCat ??? I tried with a simple file with just a simple sentence. Matecat messes up the xml entirely by putting its own, it's really frustrating. Even without doing any translating, the file is just plain unusable.

On its own files, MateCat's xliff-to-target gives an error, so maybe it's an outdated / bugged tool?

That said, maybe MatCat is using the standard xliff properly and it is Storyline which produces non-standard xliff ? Really, this is so frustrating why make translating so horrendous ??? I work in a huge international company and translating is the heart of the job and it takes me so much time it's just horrible.

A pity because the ability to recognise similar segments was really useful.

Going back to Word...

Jose Tansengco

Hello Marine, 

Can I ask if you were able to give Smartcat a try? This will help isolate if the issue you are experiencing is specific to translation files generated from MateCat. You can check this guide to learn how to use Smartcat to translate files. 

If you're still unable to import translated XLIFF files into your Storyline 360 course, please share a copy of your project and translation files here or by opening a case with our support team so we can check what's happening.