Glitch with Numbered Lists

Apr 18, 2023

I'm having the same glitch with numbered lists that I've seen reported elsewhere. In Edit Mode, the numbers are correct, but in Preview and/or Published, the numbers are all 1s.

Here is a video where you can see the difference:

I figured out the problem/solution (there's an extra space somewhere between the two numbers lined, and lots of backspaces and re-entering realigns them again), but I'm hoping for a better fix for edit to accurately reflect what's going on so that I don't have to keep switching between Edit and Preview.

(Side note: this used to happen in MS Word way back in the 90s, and I remembered the fix from then.)


Edit to add: And here's a video of the keystrokes I have to do to fix it.

Note: This is text copied from a word document, so I'm sure formatting is coming over that I can't see. I just want Rise website to consistently format the content in Preview vs Edit.



2 Replies
Angelo Cruz

Hi Heather! Thanks for letting us know you're encountering this issue.

You mentioned that this text was copied from a Word document. Was the text originally created using MS Word or was it also copied from an external source? I was asking this because, in my testing, I typed in all the text in MS Word and converted it into a numbered list before copying it over to Rise.

I did not encounter the issue you showed in your recording. The numbered list appeared just fine on both Edit and Preview modes on my tests. Here's a quick recording for reference.

I'd like to know more about how you encountered the glitch so I can try to replicate it from my end.