How can we edit Quiz feedback labels?

Feb 10, 2023

We provide feedback when users get a question wrong.  Rise is including what appears to be a customizable text label above our feedback.    How do we edit that label? (see arrow in image)

The tech support article on editing 'labels in a course' does not address this issue.



4 Replies
Sean O'Malley


Thanks for the quick reply.

I did go there prior to posting but I couldn't find the specific field that needs to be edited. That is the field next to the red arrow in my original attachment. 

I just attached the available field options that I have to choose from. None of them seem to match.


Sean O'Malley


With some trial and error I was able to get it to work. My confusion was that the 'custom text' field was not showing the actual custom text under the Settings Labels area. But the custom text was showing up once 'previewed/published'... perhaps because this assessment was copied from another course....

Anyway, thanks to your help I am out of the woods. 
