12 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Brent,

Great question.

You are correct, at this time you can only delete the courses that you own. 

We have submitted this as a feature request to our team and I will be sure to add your comment to the report so that we can track both user need and so that we can update you here if we implement :)

Karl Muller

Hi LeAnn,

Only the course owner can delete a course.

These are the roles within Rise:

  • The Course Owner can do everything.
  • Course Manager can do everything except edit labels, transfer ownership, and delete the course. 
  • Course Collaborator can edit the course but doesn’t have access to Settings, Share, Review, or Export.

Source: https://community.articulate.com/series/rise-360/articles/rise-360-work-on-a-course-with-other-team-members  

Karl Muller

Hi Elyse,

If your organization has Articulate 360 Teams type accounts, someone in your organization is the Articulate 360 Teams Administrator.

This Teams Administrator can transfer all courses of the employee that has left to another current team member, who will become the new owner and will be able to delete the course.

Roberto Rossi

Related to this blog, does someone can clarify the following situation?

A course owner has add me as course manager. Then I have add another collabotrator to the course. Me, as course owner could delete the course from my "all courses" tab. And the collaborator I added could delete it from his "all course" tab too. Nevertheless, the course and all the inputs from the manager and the collabotrator, stills survive on the owner "all courses" tab. Is this what the concept of remove a ciurse is menat for?

Related to this... neither the collaborator nor the manager "deleted courses" tab has a copy of their deleted courses, to be restore. It looks like only the courses deleted by the ownwe can be restored from the "deleted courses" tab right?

Thanks in advance,


Roberto Rossi

Hi Lea, Thanks for your quick answer.

Assuming different roles I have confirmed that course managers and collaborators can only delete their view and access to the course, not leaving a copy on their "deleted items" folder. Nevertheless, the course still is available for the owner. If the owner deletes the course it does go to the "deleted items" folder. The owner can recover the course from there if needed. 

If the course manager or collaborator deleates their view and access to a course, their automatically dissapear from the owner`s collaborators list of the course.