Hyperlink to other parts of a course?

Sep 17, 2019

Is there anything available that allows for hyperlinks/# to another part of a course?


Harry Carter

117 Replies
Kerrie Wilson

I'd be interested to know as well if there are alternatives as I mainly use Rise360 but things like not being able to add a company logo to microlearning not being able to hyperlink seem like things that should naturally be included but as has been pointed some changes have been asked for over 4 years ago and no sign of an update. The program is a significant cost for a small business.

Phil Foss

There's a good reason Rise can't easily add this feature, it has to do with the nature of how the navigation works in Rise- the courses are built on https://react.dev which uses the hash in the url you may have noticed in your courses, to manage the navigation. This prevents you from adding a regular html anchor link.

hash in url navigation react

So you need to use javascript. I call this a 'jump' menu in Rise. This is why I like Rise so much, its the perfect platform to add/improve upon.

Jump menu in Rise 360 by Theme-360