Insurance Phone Call Training ideas

Feb 08, 2019

Hi everyone. I am building a program for a client on Insurance Claims. Basically, best practices for Claims Assessors who have to investigate, collect information, and decide whether to pay someone's claim or not. The type of insurance is Life Insurance, so often they are speaking to someone who has lost a loved one. Obviously, very sensitive and often difficult phone calls, where tone, word choice, and empathy needs to be high.

I have gone through the Call Centre samples from a couple years back in the discussions, but I'd like to include some actual audio clips where the student could listen to best and worst practices. Any ideas on how to do this?

2 Replies
Wendy Farmer
Nick Durie

but I'd like to include some actual audio clips where the student could listen to best and worst practices.

Hi Nick

if you've signed an NDA with your client can't their call centre supply you with some 'training examples' which is what they always say when you call them.  This call may be recorded and used for training purposes'

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