Is there a way to delete a video without the original RISE file?

Jan 29, 2024

I have a course where I had included a video as the header image. It also plays above the table of contents but it really slows things down.

Is there some way to stop the video so it doesn't drag the course from working? 

Unfortunately, I don't have access to the RISE account where it was created.



6 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hello Louisa,

Happy to help!

There isn't a way to modify the behavior of the video that's slowing your course down without access to the original Rise 360 course. With the Rise 360 course available, you can go in and replace the video with a static image or GIF image to speed things up, but without it, there isn't a way to modify any elements in the course.

I'll let other members of the community chime in in case they have Javascript or CSS solutions available that you can use!

Louisa James

I can see the large .gif file in the scorm .zip files. I've compressed that large .gif file (using an online compressor) and then used that smaller compressed file to replace the original large one.   

Will that work? Is there somewhere I can test this? I've tried Scormcloud and Canvas but it won't seem to work on either.

What would happen if I deleted that gif altogether?

Tim St. Clair

Hi Louisa. I tried the same thing a while back also using an animated gif in the header -

You should be able to open the package zip file, and navigate to the ‘assets’ folder and find the video/image you used and just delete it, then re-zip the whole course again. The header won’t be able to load the file referenced and fall back on the neutral colour for your course in the header bar. The end user doesn’t see a broken image icon for missing background images.

Louisa James

I really hope someone can help with this issue. After weeks and weeks of just recovering my files after a hack, I got the site running but the course is just too big to load quickly. I had to use an old backup copy of the course that still had the video in it. 

After removing the video manually and also also trying to replace it with just a still gif under the same name both uploaded with errors.


Help. :(