Issue Uploading Translated XLIFFs into Rise 360 Course

Jan 29, 2020

I've duplicated my course, exported the XLIFF, worked with an outside vendor to translate and received the updated XLIFF file. When I try to import it, I receive a message that says "processing translations" but it sits & spins for a LONG time and then eventually times out. I went back to the translation vendor and made my contact a collaborator so that he can bring this work in-house. He can see my course but he does not have access to the Settings tab so he cannot view the Translations tab.  Any guidance on what the issue might be and how I can provide my translation partner with full access to the translations would be greatly appreciated. Thx!

3 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Melissa. Happy to help.

You may need to change your contact's role as a collaborator to "Course Manager." Here are some details about what permissions different collaborator roles have.

If you're still stuck, we're happy to take a closer look at the issue. You can start a case with us here and share your project and files. We'll delete everything when we're done troubleshooting!

Melissa Pagonis

Hi Crystal - I think we've figured it out. I did not realize that I had to duplicate the course for EACH required language. It seemed counter-intuitive to send 13 English XLIFF files to my translation vendor for translation so I duplicated once and sent one XLIFF for all the required languages. I now realize there is coding on the back-end that is unique to each duplicated language version. I'm in the process of duplicating and resending each XLIFF to my translation vendor. If I continue to have issues, I'll circle back. Thx!

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