JAWS keyboard navigation for the tab blocks on RISE

Mar 25, 2022

I have researched on the articulate website and found that Rise 360 does support the Tabs blocks fully. Please find the link below for the discussion:


However, we are facing an issue noted below:

For screens that have tabs, JAWS reads the Tab label but is not reading the tab popup content. We have used the keyboard tab key to navigate to the different tabs and the down arrow key to read the content in the popup. However, when we used the down arrow key, the screen scrolls to the bottom. It doesn’t read the popup content.  

Is there anything that can be done about this?

We look forward to hearing from you.

8 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello everyone! 

Thank you for informing us that the tabs interaction wasn't intuitive when using a screen reader

Interactive tabs blocks now use the recommended interaction behavior for greater accessibility.

  • Use Tab or Shift+Tab to select a tab in the interaction.
  • Use Left and Right Arrows to navigate between tabs.
  • Use Tab to focus on the content in the selected tab.
  • Use Shift+Tab to move back to tabs.
Heather Vogt

Hello! The link doesn't take me anywhere; I get a 404 error.

Also, I'm trying to create an accessibility resource for my team and am looking for ways to "Make it easier to use inputs other than keyboard." I haven't been able to find anything about this (as I don't know what else is used other than keyboard); does anyone have insight into Articulate products being used without a keyboard/mouse? 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Heather!

Thanks for letting us know about the link. It is to an outside resource, but I found the updated URL. I edited my post above, and here is the link:

Example of Tabs with Automatic Activation

I'd like additional information about the audience for which you're creating a resource. How will they be accessing your course content? Most assistive technology is also based on keyboard navigation.

Here is an FAQ to get you started, but I'm happy to help further if needed:

Articulate 360 FAQs: Accessibility