Knowledge Check in Rise

Feb 05, 2018

Hi  - 

I am creating my first course in Rise and looking to have an interaction similar to the Knowledge Check but with only one answer choice.  I'd like this to be a sort of acknowledgment that they have reviewed the content of the course above. I am using the continue divider for individual pages but I'd like them to click at the end to acknowledge. Is there something like this available? 

Thank you! 

4 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Ashley!

You mentioned you've already used a 1-question Knowledge Check block and the Continue block as acknowledgment, and those are exactly what I would have recommended!

Are you looking for something beyond the Knowledge Check block and the Continue block? Can you tell me a little more about what you're trying to achieve? 

Kelley Vickroy

Hi - I am also curious about this. The issue I have, is in a knowledge check, you cannot have only one answer causing the issue.

For example, I want to have the question state "I confirm that I have read and understand the XYZ Policy." and have only one answer stating "Accept" therefor they have to click Accept before moving forward with the continue button. 

If I provide two answer options: Accept and Do Not Accept, the user can theoretically click do not accept and still move forward. 

Any solutions suggestions?

Allison LaMotte

Hi Kelley,

Right now, there isn’t a way to do this using knowledge checks in Rise, but you can try using a button block to achieve this. Simply link the button to the next lesson.

It could look something like this.

You can learn more about how to use button blocks right here.

Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

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