Link from one block to another within the same lesson?

Nov 02, 2018

Is there any way to jump from one block to another within RISE using a hyperlink?  I see that the button stack allows you to jump from one lesson to another, but not from one block to another within the same lesson.  Anyway to mimic that with the current functionality?

27 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi, Alexandra!

Although Rise currently doesn't have a feature that allows you to hyperlink to a particular block within a lesson, I can definitely see how that would be useful! I'll pass this idea along to my team. Our customers drive our product roadmap, so thanks for letting us know how we can make Rise even better. :)

Marina Raynis

Yes, this feature is so crucial...Rise is awesome, but this one missing feature makes my stakeholders prefer PPT instead. Is it on the roadmap at least?  Even the most basic wikis have this feature, really surprising it's not possible with rise since it aims to replicate the webpage/blog look and feel.

Jose Tansengco

Hi Sander, 

Thanks for letting us know that you're interested in seeing this feature in Rise 360. I can confirm that this is one of the most asked features that is requested by the community and has already been marked as such. Here's a quick look at how we handle feature requests for your reference, and we will leave a message here when this makes it to our product roadmap.