Link to an element on the same page (Rise)

Jan 04, 2021

Back in the good old days, when we created plain html, we could link to an element on the same page, thus we could create an index of the topics on top of the page.
This is especially usefull when content is used as a reference guide.
In Rise however this is not possible, we can only create text links to an external url.
Does anybody knows a workaround to create such an anchor element in Rise?

38 Replies
James Wright

Definitely in need of this - can you add ID references to each block - probably along the line of (id="Module_reference_Unique_Number") and have the ability to copy this reference to the clipboard in the settings of each block?

You currently just use Class fields which aren't unique therefore I can't use the external website reference option 

Then we could easily have users jump to the section of the guide then find relevant