Forum Discussion
Link to an element on the same page (Rise)
Back in the good old days, when we created plain html, we could link to an element on the same page, thus we could create an index of the topics on top of the page.
This is especially usefull when content is used as a reference guide.
In Rise however this is not possible, we can only create text links to an external url.
Does anybody knows a workaround to create such an anchor element in Rise?
- DustinMuncy-e28Community Member
Please add this option.
- JoanneSuttonCommunity Member
Would really appreciate this functionality too, too much scrolling otherwise.
- StephenDelbridgCommunity Member
Bump, definitely would appreciate this option!
- JamesWright-54aCommunity Member
Definitely in need of this - can you add ID references to each block - probably along the line of (id="Module_reference_Unique_Number") and have the ability to copy this reference to the clipboard in the settings of each block?
You currently just use Class fields which aren't unique therefore I can't use the external website reference option
Then we could easily have users jump to the section of the guide then find relevant - AmandaHegneyCommunity Member
Hello I am interested to see where this is at. I want to link to a previous section within the same Rise product but a different chapter.
- RhysBarberCommunity Member
I'd like to throw in with Amanda, I too am curious whether we can look forward to this soon.
- IvyColon-PerezCommunity Member
I wonder how we can get the vendor engaged in these older feature discussions or if there are better locations to find out about feature developments
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Ivy,
The Rise 360 Feature Roadmap can be found here:
- NatalieClayp289Community Member
I need that option too
- GregHagarCommunity Member
Being able to add inline links to different sections / blocks of a course would be very valuable.
- LisaKohlbauerCommunity Member
Please add this function!