NEW IN RISE: Timeline Block

Sep 12, 2018

Breaking news! There’s another new feature in Rise: the timeline block.

Now you can let learners explore a media-rich timeline interaction in the custom blocks lessons you create with Rise. This new block type gives you even more flexibility to add engaging interactivity to your custom lessons.

Take a look at this video to see the timeline block in action:



35 Replies
Nicole Legault

Hi there Sue! Looks like that example includes an old Lesson type called a Timeline Lesson. The existing Timeline blocks are slightly different and no longer have that bar with the numbers along the top. If that's something you'd like to see gaain, please take a moment to submit a feature request here with the details. Thanks :)

Irina Poloubessov

Dear Articulate Staff,
I was told that it is planned like that not to show the line connecting the next block in a timleline, until it is rendered - but this causes usability issues. Maybe you could reconsider and render the line of the next block together with the current block, so that the line hints that there is something more to come?

Here is the screenshot that confirms the problematics:
one of the blocks in the timeline contains text and video.
The user scrolls slowly through the text while reading (and thus the next block and the connecting line do not appear -as only a fast intense mouse movement causes the line to appear, and the slow one does not -- , so it looks like the last block in the timeline though it is not), 
Then the user watches the video and thinks this was all! They do not have a visual hint that they need to scroll more, especially if they view the course first time -- so they just miss the rest of the material.

We prefer the self-explanatory approach, where you do not have to say explicitly to a user to scroll down , and anyway a user can forget this as they proceed.

Maybe you could reconsider and render the line to the next block already when the current is displayed? People get confused.
Many thanks.

Missing line

eLearning Developer

I noticed you used a gray background color for the timeline elements. Unfortunately, the connecting lines for the timeline block are also gray. (It's the default color, and does not appear to have the ability to be changed)

I would suggest making the HEX background color something else, or leaving it white. It will allow your users to see the connection line between timeline blocks. 

You can also add visual clues to the title on the block. ie. "Step 1 of 5" 


Irina Poloubessov

Thank you for your suggestion!
The moment that the line renders it looks completely visible and is well distinguishable, no problems with the color from my side - only with the timing of the rendering.
Indeed Step 1 of 5 would be a good solution for other cases, however in this particular one we needed to avoid the mental picture of multiple steps and make it less explicit, relying solely on the timely rendering of the next block.

Arpana Kumari

Hi Team,

This is to inform you that we are having double line break between the paragraph in Timeline activity block. This is not happening before but now we are not able to reduce this as well. Please can you suggest how this issue will be fixed. Please see the image attached for your reference.



Renz Sevilla

Hi Arpana! Thanks for the screenshot to show us your issue. This doesn't seem to be happening on our end, could you please open a case with us by clicking here and share with us the following:

- browser and version number where you experienced the issue

- font that you used 

This will help us narrow things down!

Adena Wilson

Hi. I noticed that in this thread there was a request made (3 years ago) to disable the image zoom for this block. For me, it is an accessibility issue. I want to tag my images in this block as "" so they are not picked up by a screen reader, which is fine, but because I cannot disable the image zoom ,the screen ready picks that up. Without an image that makes no sense. My two options are to either not include an image, or write alt text for an image that could have been marked decorative. 

Since that is still not an option, just voicing my support for that request.