Question Pools in Quiz

Jan 09, 2018

I just wondered if it is possible to use question pools in Rise. I created about 30 questions but only want Rise to randomly choose 10 of them.  

70 Replies
Lucille Rowland


Is there any update to the question bank feature in Rise. We have found that when there is a set number of questions with the same questions in a quiz, it is not difficult for a student to copy their results and pass on to other students, knowing everyone gets the same questions.

Therefore, drawing questions from a question bank is a critical functionality for us as it minimises the risk of students sharing correct answers.

Business School

WHY is this not on the priority list - it's such a big win! We are forced to use either Storyline for compliance modules or split the module so assessment is in storyline - using a SL block for the assessment does not work as you cant get it to complete on that properly (i.e it marks as complete if they just look at the block - we want to it to complete on passing the assessment) 


Business School

This really is an essential feature for anyone who creates compliance training! We have to split our modules into content and assessment so we can use Storyline for the assessments - Using a storyline block within Rise does not work as you cant report on the users answers etc. and does not report back the score to the LMS as the completion setting only allows you to complete on the block (i.e. they just need to interact with the block, it ignores the fact that the block is say a 70% pass) 

This should be a priority change to make sure that Rise really can be utilised for all types of training.

Hazel Bartolome

Great news! Announcing the beta of question banks in Rise 360!

Create randomized quizzes by drawing from a bank of prepared questions. You have the flexibility to use question banks for knowledge check blocks or quizzes—giving you options for how and when you want to check or test a learner’s knowledge. And if you’re an Articulate 360 Teams subscriber, you can easily share question bank folders with other team members to ensure consistency across your organization’s courses.

Find out more about creating, managing, and using question banks in our Rise 360 User Guide.
