Really locking down the navigation

Jan 18, 2017


I understand you can restrict the navigation to a linear experience in settings. Is the a way to lock it down further and require a learner to click a button to advance?

Or maybe even hide the footer navigation would work for my purpose. 




36 Replies
Dave Cox

Hi Michael,

Yes, I do this all of the time. 

  1. Set the scrub bar to read only (Player setting) - this forces the user to view the entire slide.
  2. Set a trigger to disable the next button when the timeline starts on each slide. It is better to disable it than to hide it, as that reduces confusion.
  3. Set another trigger to enable the next button when the timeline ends, or just before the timeline ends. I have a requirement to enable the next button 1 second before the end of the timeline, so I use a que point for this. I set the que point, and the set a trigger to enable the next button when the timeline reaches the que point.

Is that what you are looking for?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Dave for chiming in here, but Michael posted in the Rise forum, so I suspect he isn't using Storyline. 

Within Rise you can restrict the navigation to ensure that users progress through the lessons that you've set up, but there isn't a setting to force them to press a particular button to advance. The bottom footer to advance to the next lesson isn't something you can currently remove in Rise, although we are working on a feature to allow you to edit course labels such as those ones that'll be released later this quarter. 

So for users to advance in a restricted navigation Rise course they'll use the menu on the left in the order designated or the "next lesson" footer at the bottom of the previous lesson. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stephanie,

If you set your Rise navigation to Restricted that would require the users click on the individual elements and/or interact with them on the lesson/blocks page before they're able to advance. If you're using Storyline you can accomplish this through triggers, states and variables. The steps here are for Storyline 2, but you could use the same behavior in Storyline 360 to disable the next button until the user has interacted with those items. 

Stephanie Powner

Hi Ashley 

Thanks for the update.  I use Storyline and know how to lock down the navigation there.  I was referring to Rise - which I really like by the way! The course I am looking to produce at the moment is compliance training and the client wants to be sure the learner has watched an embedded video in full (as far as you can ensure this). As I understand it, at present  I will need to stick with Storyline to achieve this. Thanks again


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stephanie,

Just wanted to share both since Dave before had just mentioned Storyline - ya never know. ;) 

As for the videos in Rise, if you're using the restricted navigation element it'll wait for the user to finish the video until the completion is noted, but there isn't anything to stop the user from fast forwarding the video as it's embedded and counting that as the completion. So as long as you don't think your users would figure that out..? :) 

Otherwise, Storyline has a few other options to prevent that, such as the triggers to do X when the media completes or even something as simple as placing a transparent shape over your video controls in the slide which would prevent the user from fast forwarding. 

Hope that helps clarify! 

Jim McKay

Hi Ashley,

I'm doing a free trial of Rise and I was going to purchase it tomorrow if there was a way to restrict fast forward (by taking the controls off) on the video like you can with Articulate Storyline.  Unfortunately, it looks like there isn't.  This is a really important feature to have for compliance.  Legally, you need to prove that the learner took the whole course and didn't just move the line to the end.  In several states, a certain time in training is required and you can't control this without the fast forward being disabled.  Very disappointed because I really like Rise.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jim,

How are you inserting or linking your Videos? I tested a video from YouTube and embedded it. YouTube allowed me to choose from options such as stripping out the player controls and that setting carried over with the embed code I used in Rise. The user can still play/pause the video by clicking on it.

Pam Davison

Hi Ashley, 

We have been looking for the same thing, to be able to restrict the learner from fastforwarding a video in rise and ensuring they have watched the whole video before continuing on with the course. I tried embedding the video from vimeo and modifying the vimeo settings and I got it to display without the player controls, which is great, but the continue block in rise doesn't work with the video completion in vimeo like it does with a video imported directly into rise. Is there a way to get the completion block in rise to allow the user to continue only when the vimeo/youtube video is finished?


Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Pam! We're working on a feature now that will allow you to disable forward-seeking in a Rise multimedia video block or video lesson. That feature should be rolling out by the end of this week, so stay tuned! You can keep tabs on all of the exciting new features we're adding to Rise right here. 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Lance and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

You could certainly look at restricted navigation, which would help between lessons, sections and different groupings of blocks.

Specific to video lessons, you also have the ability to disable forward seeking as you can see here.

The user is not required to interact with the steps within the process interaction but would be required to go through all of them prior to proceeding to the next lesson.

It sounds like you need further restrictions on clicks and timelines. Have you considered using Storyline to build this interaction?

Lance Roehlke

I already have restricted navigation, but my trainees can click straight through the Process lesson without watching videos or listening to audio. Ideally have the right arrow button grayed out until they interact with audio/video before moving onto next step.

I supposed I could have used Storyline for that lesson, but then lose out on the convenience and continuity of using a lesson type already available in Rise.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks, Lance for sharing that additional insight. For lessons like the Process or Timeline, the user only needs to click or scroll through them to have completed it, vs. lessons like a Sorting or a Labeled graphic lesson where they need to click and interact. 

I can share your ideas with my team and we'll let you know if there are any updates to this navigation or the interaction properties. 

Rifasudeen R.

Hi Ashley,

When I choose the Navigation option as 'Restricted', the user is not able to move to the next lesson until they complete the first/current lesson. However, I am not able to restrict a user or force a learner to view all the tabs in an interaction in order to complete a lesson. As of now, even if I select the navigation as restricted, I am able to complete a lesson without clicking the tabs in the interactions. Please advice how to restrict that.

Thank you.

Juan Delgado

Hi Ashley, that's a great question and I was running into that same issue. I have embedded a Storyline Interaction in which all the tabs need to be reviewed before proceeding but in Rise you can open the activity, close it and move on. Hope there is something in the works to help developers with this issue.

James Perry

Hello! I'm a longtime Storyline user who has just been tasked with using Rise for the first time and figuring out its capabilities. Is it possible to lock down a course built in Rise in such a way that users are required to complete a knowledge check question at the end of each lesson before they are allowed to continue? Many thanks!