Rise 360: Full Screen function on video not working on LMS (Cornerstone)

Aug 18, 2022

I have embedded an MP4 video on a piece of eLearning that has been developed on Rise 360. The 'Full Screen' functionality works well on Rise but does not display when the learning is published onto the LMS (Cornerstone). There is no visible setting on Rise that pertains to this, that can be adjusted. 

What could be causing this problem?

18 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi, Evelyn.

We are tracking an issue where videos in courses that are hosted in an LMS within the same LMS browser window are not launching full screen. I'll keep you updated on any changes we make to that behavior.

In the meantime, are you able to launch your course in a new window from Cornerstone? Many LMSs have a launch behavior setting that you can toggle from frameset (same window) to new window.

Linh Truong

Hello everyone, just to give you a quick update: I've tested the Scorm package on Scormcloud and everything works well so I think the problem should be the compatibility between Articulate and the LMS. We've raised a ticket to ours (Cornerstone), I will keep everyone posted on this thread if we have any news.
