10 Replies
Erin Marisa Davis

I just received this message from the report I sent:

Hi Erin,


Rise 360 is currently having technical difficulties. Our engineers are working to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.


You can also see real-time status updates here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.articulatestatus.com__;!!N8Xdb1VRTUMlZeI!ntu3vAPshu1YvONPFlkwlpOb5E0ddu3fHwCfQCjGsij-oMPykOeBb4qo0W9LZI2mE3MLi4Jr6QRrM_twaJ0H1w$ 


Click the "Subscribe" button in the upper right corner of the status page (above) if you'd like to receive notifications of status changes in the future.


Let me know if you need anything else!


Hazel Bartolome

Hi Kimberley!  So sorry to hear you're both getting a spinning wheel and can't access your Rise 360 Library. Is this still happening to you? If it is, please follow these tips:

1. Please update your browser if it has not been updated yet. Once updated, restart your browser and try reaccessing it. Does the issue persist?
2. Try other supported browsers and check if you are still getting the issue. This will check if the issue is browser-specific.
3. Please access Rise in Incognito or InPrivate window (Windows: Press Ctrl + Shift + n. Mac: Press ⌘ + Shift + n) Sometimes plugins cause odd behavior, Do you still get the same issue when in Incognito?
4. Restart your computer.
5. If the above steps do not work, kindly try clearing your cache to see if it will resolve the issue.
If you've done these steps and the issue persists, you can open a case with us anytime.