Rise 360: Navigation questions (jump to the top & expanding a hamburger menu)

Aug 24, 2023

Greetings from rainy Alaska!

I'm new to Rise 360 and my stakeholders have asked me to find a way to expand the sidebar "hamburger" style menu.  I think I'll have to structure my lessons differently to do it, but anyone find a workaround?

Also, what about a "return to the top" option on the long scroll.  I can't find that anywhere!


7 Replies
Carol Lewis
Michelle Morettini

Greetings from rainy Alaska!

I'm new to Rise 360 and my stakeholders have asked me to find a way to expand the sidebar "hamburger" style menu.  I think I'll have to structure my lessons differently to do it, but anyone find a workaround?  Mayo Clinic Patient Portal Login

Also, what about a "return to the top" option on the long scroll.  I can't find that anywhere!


Expanding the sidebar menu in Rise 360's hamburger style might require restructuring content. Consider using lessons or blocks to create collapsible sections. To implement a return to the top option, insert a button at the bottom of each lengthy scroll. Set its target to the top of the lesson using anchor links. Currently, Rise 360 may not offer direct native options for these features, but creative use of available elements should achieve the desired results. 





Lewis Naylor

You might need to reorganize your content into sections or modules to accommodate this change. As for a "return to the top" option on long scrolls, Rise 360 lacks an explicit feature for this. However, you can place anchor links at the top of your sections, allowing users to jump back. Your Texas Benefits