Rise 360: Removing the Start Button or first Arrow from the Process Block

May 23, 2022

Hello, I’ve created a Rise 360 course that contains a Process Block interaction. Is there a way to remove either the Start button or the arrow on the right so the user has only one option to move forward? One of my SME reviewers thinks the current two choices might be confusing to some of our users. I don’t believe that this type of customization is an option, but thought I’d ask just in case.



3 Replies
John Zivi

Hello! I'm just checking in again to see if there has been any change to the Process Block interaction so that I'd have the option to delete either the "Start" button or the right arrow. I'm assuming the answer is still "not yet," but I wanted to check again as I've had a request to remove it from another Rise module. 

Thank you.