Rise 360 - Storyline block not functioning properly on mobile

Aug 21, 2023


I want to make a quiz with questions based on a video that learners have to watch. I want the learners to be able to look for the answers in the video and therefore need the video and the questions to stay on the same page.


For now the only way I found to make that happen is to use Rise 360, have the video there and add a storyline block. Works perfectly in desktop mode, but not as well in tablet mode (have to click a play button on the storylineblock). On the mobile mode in preview, that play button is also there, but nothing happens when I try to click on it.


Here is a video showing what’s happening when I preview it in different mode in Rise 360: https://vimeo.com/856315170/11dd529f31?share=copy


I tried for real on desktop and phone. Works fine on desktop, but for the mobile version I have to click on that play button you see in the video. When you click on it the storyline block becomes a layer on top that you have to close if you want to go back to the video. And then you have to click again on the play button to make the storyline block reappear.


So I was wondering if it is a problem that comes from me or from articulate products. Should I configure the storyline block differently? If yes from where? From storyline, for Rise360?

Best regards, 


4 Replies
Hazel Bartolome

Hi there Anthony!

I see that a case with the same query has been opened, and that Rona, one of our technical support engineers has replied to you.

On mobile browsers, Storyline blocks will not autoplay. You'll see the play button to launch the Storyline content. On tablets, the Storyline content should play inline with the Rise 360 lesson.

On mobile phones, specifically, Storyline blocks will not play within the Rise 360 lesson. They'll launch full-screen to give the Storyline content room to display on smaller screens. When you close the Storyline block, you'll return to the Rise 360 lesson with the play button again showing for the Storyline block.

We're tracking the impact of this behavior, and I'll let you know if we make any changes to how Storyline blocks appear on smaller mobile screens.

Beth Webb

Hi Hazel,

Has this behaviour of Storyline blocks always been the case?
We are also seeing this happening. We see a black block with a play button, then when the Storyline block activity is open, it appears on a layer in front of the RISE content, parallax style. It is very confusing and not easy to see the cross to close the Storyline block.
And, even worse, in landscape we are unable to see the cross and so are 'stuck' and unable to move on, unless the phone is turned back to portrait.

Also, where does RISE pull the Storyline block's name from?

Julie Dessureault

Mon bloc Storyline intégré à mon RISE apparaît apparaît aussi sur un calque (voir image ci-dessous). Les apprenants peuvent donc dérouler vers le bas et voir le contenu du RISE en parallèle, ce qui va peut-être nous obliger à supprimer le bloc.

Quelle est la solution pour intégrer adéquatement un Bloc Storyline dans RISE, sans voir l'écriture du RISE en dessous?

Steven Benassi

Hi Julie!

Sorry to hear you're having issues with a Storyline Block from your Rise lesson!

I see that you've already opened a support case and connected with my teammate, Janina. It looks like Janina reached out to your e-mail requesting a link to your Rise course. We can continue troubleshooting through your case to keep all information in one spot.