Rise - Export for Web for use on SharePoint

Mar 10, 2023

Hi - has anyone had luck sharing a Rise course via SharePoint?  I extracted the files from the zip and placed all in a folder on SP.  Then on the SP page where I want new hires to access the course from, I added a link to the index.html file.  When I tried it the first time it opened the course in a new browser window.  But after trying again it opens a blank window.  I've tried several times with the same result.  If I open the index.html from my local drive, it works as expected.  Any ideas?  

5 Replies
John Cooper

There have been quite a few posts on this issue and I recently raised a query with Microsoft Support to clarify the situation. You can run the Rise web version from SharePoint if you change the "index.html" filename to "index.aspx". BUT if the Rise course has any embedded Storyline blocks, these won't run...

The problem here is that SharePoint (and hence Teams) is a asp.net server environment and the 'native' app server scripting language is asp.net. asp.net can (and does) dynamically create html pages which it presents to the browser. So by 'kidding' SharePoint that the index.html file is really an asp.net script - it works!

But if your Rise html output then tries to call another 'story.html' or similar from the script, it fails - and I think many of the community here have tried to find a way around this and I'm not aware of any success - but I would be delighted to be corrected on this!

Hope that helps?

John Cooper

I just checked the demo I sent to Microsoft explaining this issue (1st March) - and it no longer works! i.e. changing the name of the story.html to story.aspx DOESN't allow you to run it!! Attached is a video of this mechanism working on the 1st March - but the same file will no longer work...

I will check with Microsoft to see if they have changed anything...

David Smith

I just tried this & it does work on my local pc (if I associate the aspx file with Chrome or Firefox). This makes it an issue when posting to a SharePoint site for team use (I tried associating it with Edge & it does not work). My suggestion would be to run it from your RISE site & just share the link (unless that creates a whole bunch of overhead you don't want). It's not like you're tracking it anyway. Then if your customer wants the source files because you're moving on, give them the zip & let them sort out the Microsoft issue.