Rise Quiz turned into an acknowledgment form?

May 04, 2023

Wondering if the quiz in Rise can be turned into an acknowledgment form like shown in the clip attached. 

I have changed the button labels to coincide with "accepting a form". I don't want to give the learner an option of not accepting - is there any way I can take away the second-choice option in a multiple-choice question?? I also tried a fill-in-the-blank question so they can type out their name but obviously, names vary. 

Any ideas as to how I can make this visually appealing? 


4 Replies
Angelo Cruz

Hello Marcela! Thanks for reaching out.

There isn't a way to remove the second answer or choice from a Multiple Choice/Response quiz question.

If you are only going to give learners a single choice, you can make use of Button blocks instead of a quiz question. Here's a sample Rise course where I set up a similar acknowledgment part shown in your video but I used a Text block, a Continue block, a paragraph, then the Button block.

Let me know what you think!