Rise360 formatting text: Double-click to select word only, NOT w/extra space after word

Feb 03, 2023

In Rise360, double-clicking a word selects the extra space after the word. Double-clicking should ONLY select the word, (like PPT) not the extra space. We have to (deselect then) click and drag to highlight the word only to format for underline. I know it seems minute, but it would make converting many CBTs in a short time frame quicker if this little change was made. Especially for those of us who are used to double-clicking a word for formatting.
Images attached for descriptions.

Others, please let it be known if this bothers you too!
(Submitting Feature Request Form)

2 Replies
Hazel Bartolome

Hi Brandy! So sorry to hear that you are encountering this! I am on Windows 11 Pro, latest version of Chrome Version 110.0.5481.104, but I am unable to reproduce.

A colleague was able to reproduce on Windows 10, Google Chrome Version 110.0.5481.104

Can you provide me your OS, browser name, and version? I will report this as a possible software bug.