Secondary text (subtext) under the title on screen in microlearning

Feb 24, 2023


Putting in a request for there to be a secondary text area under the main title of a microlearning Rise. It would be ideal to not waste a 'screen' in microlearning to do something like stating objectives or the estimated time to complete the activity. Thanks for the cool update to Rise!

Attached a simple picture with where it could ideally go.

3 Replies
Gren Foronda

Hi Kory!

Thanks for sharing your request of a secondary text on the new Microlearning feature of Rise! Thanks for sharing the screenshot as well.

Can you tell me a bit more about why you’d like to have that feature, and how you'll use it in Microlearning? I’d love to hear your thoughts so I can share them with the team. Thank you!

Kory Trosclair

In microlearning, a student is mentally committing to a smaller amount of time than several modules. To further the purpose of keeping microlearning 'micro', I would use this feature to show one less dot on the side for them to scroll through, placing microlearning objectives or an estimate of the time to complete the module under the main title, reducing the scrolling and having the general overview of what they'll be doing in the same window. I think this works well, too, as the landing title slide takes up the entirety of the learners screen.