38 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Kelly!

I'm sure you'll get lots of examples from folks in the community! In the meantime, here are a couple that have already been shared:

I can't wait to see what else will be shared here! 🙂

Katie Riggio

Welcome to the Articulate family, Manisha! 

Excellent question! Each sorting activity can have up to 4 categories/drop targets at this time. Here are a few things to keep in mind when designing sorting activities.

I'm submitting a feature request on your behalf and we'll keep you updated with any news on such an increase! In the meantime, one option could be to build the sorting activity in Storyline 360. Then, embed it into Rise using a Storyline Block.

We can appreciate there's lots of information and tricks to absorb when starting out, so don't be shy to lean on us for help! 😊

Daniel King

Hi Katie,

Thank you for the warm welcome and for submitting a feature request on my behalf. I hope this can be implemented soon. I have a follow up question. I want to change the text color of the category title and the background color of the categories/drop target.  How can I do that?

Thanks for your help :)

Katie Riggio

Good morning, Manisha!

Great follow-up questions. While there isn't a feature to customize the color of the category title and card background, I'm going to share these suggestions with our product team, too!

If you're using a Sorting Activity custom block, though, you can change the block's background color. Here's how!

When creating a custom Sorting Activity lesson, hover over its Settings > click on the default color under Background Color > select the color of your choice and then click DoneHere's a sample Rise course for a visual guide!

Thanks again for letting us know what you'd like to see! As always, feel free to share any other thoughts you may have here or through our Feature Request form – we're all ears! 

Daniel King

Hi Katie,

Thank you so much for making a sample Rise Course to translate what you explained. Apparently, I have figured how to change the background color. Doing so makes the entire background (including the category buckets) the same color which according too may be an accessibility issue as well. And making it colorless doesn't blend well with the rest of the lesson. Card sorting is a great way to knowledge check and  I think it should be flexible to design.

I am working on Rise a lot these days , I have another pressing question on Card Sorting - So after completing the card sorting activity, a score is issued. Is there a way to monitor or measure how the learners are doing with the sorting activity? Foe examples, How many times they tried to do it? or reviewed the activity? This will help us understand where our learners are? And we can provide additional support to who are struggling? Also, by any chance can we intergrade the Rise course results in our LMS?

Thanks for always being prompt with your response.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Manisha,

Great point about accessibility and the color changes. Also, with a sorting activity you'll want to look at the steps here to navigate using your keyboard for accessibility:

  • Use the Tab key to select a category (drop target).
  • After selecting a category, use Tab and Shift+Tab or the Left and Right arrow keys to cycle through the categories.
  • Select the category that matches the item that’s currently displayed, then press Enter or the spacebar to move the item to the selected category. If the answer is correct, the item will move briefly to the category then disappear. If the answer is wrong, the item will shake briefly, then you can select a different category and try again.

The sorting activity isn't graded, as it's designed as a stop and check for understanding vs. a graded question type. I'll let my team know that you'd like to see this as a question type, and we'll keep you posted here if that becomes a feature request!

Marisa Geisser

Hello - This block really needs to be updated to have zero word limitations.  We should be able to put as much text on the tiles as needed. 

For example, I used this sorting exercise to help colleagues understand what is and is not appropriate behavior in the currency exchange industry.  For English I had no issues.  I then had to get the course translated for our Spanish speaking colleagues.  Now I am experiencing a big issue.  The way we type sentences in English is different in Spanish (obviously).  More words are being used in the Spanish translation and now I am having issues with the activity as the tile is cutting off the words do to character limitations.

Can you please put in submission box to remove the limited text on this activity? Please respond to this comment if you agree!

Allison LaMotte

Hi Marissa,

I totally get that the character limit can be frustrating, especially when it comes to translation. I'm sorry to hear that you've run into an issue here.

I went ahead and submitted a feature request on your behalf. I'll let you know via this thread if I have any updates.

In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!

Allison LaMotte

Hi Pamela,

Right now, there isn’t a way to match images in Rise 360, but we do have a feature request logged for that capability so I'll go ahead and add your voice to that discussion.

You're now subscribed to this conversation which means as we share updates here, you’ll automatically be notified.

In the meantime, if there’s anything else I can do to help, please let me know! 

Lindsey Knights

Hi community - I'm trying to build an interaction where learners start with 30 options, and I'd like them to sort them down to their top 5. The exercise is around finding what truly motivates someone at their core.

So first level would be "Of these 30 options, sort them all into 'Not motivating', 'somewhat motivating', or 'motivating'", then second would be "of all the ones you put into the motivating category, choose your top 10. Then third level would ask them to whittle down to their top 5.

Any recommendations or resources I could be directed to? 

Allison LaMotte

Hi Lindsey,

This sounds like something you could build out in Storyline 360 (and import into Rise 360, if you'd like). Here are some resources to help you figure out how to build it:

If you get stuck while you're building it, I recommend reaching out to the community in the Building Better Courses forum.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help! :)