Storyline 360 ​​timeline count is not correct when I embed it into Rise

Sep 29, 2020

Hi, I made a Storyline resource with a timer that add seconds when timeline ends, it works OK when I preview it in storyline, but when I embed it in Rise the timer count runs very slowly. Do you know why is this happening?

Thank you!

5 Replies
Ned Whiteley

Hi David,

I don't have an answer as yet, but I am curious as to why you would want to use a timer to add seconds after the timeline ends, when you can adjust the timeline to suit your needs.

Are you able to post a copy of your SL file here as that would be a big help in solving your problem?

Depending on how you have set up your timer, there maybe a better option that avoids the delay.

Ned Whiteley

Hi David,

Thanks for posting your file. I'm still not sure why you are having the problem, but just in case it has something to do with the number of times the layers are changed (i.e. shown and hidden once every second for 300 seconds), I have attached a quick demo of a basic timer that avoids layers altogether.

In this example, a small rectangle is moved along a one second motion path and, when it reaches the end, the variable Timer is incremented by 1 and the motion path is repeated. I have added a Start Timer button which is used to move the rectangle for the first time.

If you wanted to pause the clock, this could easily be done with a variable recording if the Pause button had been clicked and a condition could be included in the second motion path trigger (the one that repeats the motion) such that the Pause variable had to be False for the motion to proceed, for example.

Hope this helps, but if you are still having problems, just get back to me here.

David Rubio

Tank you so much Ned!!, you helped me a lot. Something funny that happened is that when I added the rectangle with the motion path outside the layer, the timer delay was the same (when I embedded the storyline block in Rise), it was running very slow. I had to move the rectangle with the motion path inside the layer, now is working good embedded in Rise.

And finally I have a question: do you know how to put a limit of characters in the text entry boxes, i found that it could be done with essay survey questions, but as you know I need it for my crosswords game, so I need a lot of them in one layer. 


Ned Whiteley

Hi David,

I'm glad you have managed to get it working.

Unfortunately, I don't believe you can put a limit on characters in a text box. However, you may find the attached link useful, in particular the second of Tom Kuhlmann's posts, which includes a video tutorial that talks about text entry boxes and how to limit characters in a survey essay question.

I know you're not doing a survey, but you may still be able to use the structure from this in your setup.

Hope this helps.

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