SOLVED: Storyline block not allowing mobile users to exit

Dec 31, 2018

Hi all,


I created a course in rise that uses quite a few SL blocks. The problem I'm having is that, when accessing this course in Articulate Review from my iPhone, once I click the 'Play' button on the block, I'm unable to return to the Rise page. When activated, the SL block maximizes on my window and I am unable to see any of the other content in the Rise lesson. I tried swiping in all directions, but the SL block takes over the screen as if it's a lightbox with no exit button. Has anyone had this experience? Did I make a mistake building the SL block? Any advice would be helpful.


**EDIT: Solution below




28 Replies
craig Sumner

Hi Trenton, I have seen this before, and found that sometimes the cross to close the content did not show.

I found it was dependant on the rotation of my phone or the browser I was using.

I never really solved this, as we ended up removing our storyline content as I found a way to produce what I needed with one of the Rise Blocks.

Trenton Irons

Hi there,

The support team gave me a solution. They stated that it appears to be a software bug with the modern player. It was found that if you change the player from modern to classic in your Storyline block (then re-publish and re-select the block within Rise), you won't have those issues.

Crystal Horn

Hi there, Simon. We released a fix in Storyline update 27 for this behavior. If that Storyline interaction was published before May 2019, please publish it again and add the block back to Rise 360 to see the fix.

If it's been published after that fix, let us know! We'll dive in and find out what's happening. You can reference this discussion for context.

Discover Learning Designs

Hi Crystal.

I'm having the same issues. I've inserted a Storyline block that contains 'data entries' within a table. When writing in each field, mobile phones automatically zoom. After this occurs, I am no longer able to see the X in the upper right hand corner, not even when I try to zoom out.

Chino Navarro

Hi Priyanka,

I am sorry you are still experiencing the issue. Can you check if you have any pending updates? If you do, please update Storyline 360 and republish your course.

If the issue still occurs after the update, please open a case here and our support engineers will take a closer look.

Hazel Bartolome

Hi Laurel! So sorry to hear that this is happening to you! If you have upgraded to the latest version of Storyline and the issue is still present, please open a case here and our support engineers will take a closer look.

When submitting your case, include the name of the browser, mobile device, and OS version where the issue occurs, and if possible, a  video of the behavior.