Tincan export no longer works

Mar 12, 2020

Since 2 days the exported contents no longer work as TinCan. The course opens and the page remains white. The same course exported as TinCan 3 days ago works fine. Has anything been changed in the export?


EDIT: Same if I start it locally. Files unzip, start the index.html, browser opens and remains empty.

16 Replies
Marcel Reinert

Hi Crystal, what details do you want to know? I export the course like every day.  All others exported courses before monday works like a charme. 

Here is an example from a moment ago. Same like my first post, will not start local on browser or in our lms. Opens still white/blank page,

Crystal Horn

Thanks for the reply, Vertikom. Just a heads up that you did share one of your output files here. Feel free to delete it if you would like to remove it from the public discussion. Opening a case will help us get details like which LMS you're using, and we can work together on testing this out.

Anyone else who's experiencing issues with Tin Can output on their LMS, starting a case with us here will be the fastest way for us to identify the common denominators and get working on a fix!

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