9 Replies
Active Philanthropy

I have the same issue and it's very urgent since my course is going live on 2nd of January. I need to upload my Articulate files to Thinkific asap!

This is the code I am getting and it looks the same as yours

Expected(200) <=> Actual(403 Forbidden) excon.error.response :body => "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied</Message><RequestId>PHAS64JCCSTTFSYE</RequestId><HostId>04ECWN2eWPn0bg/RB1DwIWPtnZTd3cxLy7v0IOMWPqRYM1I9V8HGrbcolYqxhbFe2npNS+HplCU=</HostId></Error>" :cookies => [ ] :headers => { "Connection" => "close" "Content-Type" => "application/xml" "Date" => "Wed

Active Philanthropy

Thank you! Yes, I did read it. Unfortunately the link for "Learn how to export content from Articulate Storyline" does not work. All the other things I made sure that I did them,

I was just wondering if the person who asked the question in the first place might have been able to resolve the issue

Angelo Cruz

Hi Lacretia! After publishing your course for the web, did you upload or host it in Google Drive?

If so, try hosting your course with a different web server to see if you encounter the same behavior. You can also try Amazon S3 to see if that delivers your content better than Google Drive. See the article below to learn more:

Rise 360: Publishing Content for Web Distribution

If you continue to encounter the same issue, please open a case with us here so that our Support Engineers can dig deeper into the issue.