Unwanted images appearing in SCORM export

Nov 07, 2023

I have been finding that my SCORM exports (zip files) are larger than I expect them to be. Opening the zip file and navigating to \scormcontent\assets I often find the stock images that Rise initially presents when you add an image element etc. hang around.

Even though I have replaced these with other images, they are included in the zip file and are referenced in the imsmanifest.xml file but never used in the resource. The last rise export I did there were 9.3 MB of images included in the zip that were not used in the resource (see image: highlighted junk images).

I have asked a few colleagues to have a look in their respective SCORM zip files and they find the same thing. Is this a known issue?

In this particular SCORM example it accounted for 64% of the total zip filesize.

10 Replies
Karl Muller

This method was recommended as a temporary solution by Tech Support, and I had actually tried this on one course before even contacting them.

While the process works, I republish a large number of courses on a regular basis, and simply  do not have the time to do this every day, especially considering that this was not a problem two weeks ago.

Timothy Johnson

This is also the solution I have started to do, but it is another step that I should not have to do. It is also a step that a large number of people in my organisation should not have to do to get an optimised output. I am hoping that removing these images even though they are are still referenced in the imsmanifest.xml will not pop up as an issue at some later date.

I have SCORM outputs from at least August 2022 that contain these junk images.