Using a Pre-Test to Guide Learning

Mar 11, 2021

A pre-test can set the stage for your online training and give learners a preview of what's to come in the course. You may also want to use a pre-test to allow learners to bypass course content based on their score. 

In this example, Trina created a next-steps lesson to give learners three options for how to proceed after completing the pre-test. She hid the sidebar menu and used a button stack block to design this eye-catching branching interaction. 

Quiz: The Myths and Facts of Employee Engagement

Click here to read more about how she created this project in 5 steps. 

Why and How I Created This Pre-Test in Rise 360

Now we'd love to hear from you! Tell us how you've used pre-tests in your Rise 360 courses, and share some tips for other designers who may want to try this in their next e-learning project!

29 Replies
Michelle Christofferson

We also have a use case for the ability to test out. In it's simplest form, it would be great to provide a quiz that, if failed, launches the user into a full training and, if passed, marks that user as complete. To dig deeper (maybe as a second or third iteration of this feature) it would be great to be able to point users to certain course materials based on their initial quiz performance. For example, if I miss questions 1-5 related to topic A, I will be assigned training on topic A, and if I miss questions 6-10 on topic B, I will be assigned subsequent training on topic B.