Viewing PDFs in Rise

Jun 21, 2022

Hi! I'm hoping someone here has some suggestions.  I have uploaded several PDFs in Rise by first uploading the PDF file from my computer as an attachment and then linking to the PDF in an Interactive Button.  For some reason, I can see the PDFs when I click on the button, but others cannot.  Does anyone know why? What can I do to fix this issue? Thanks in advance.

4 Replies
Christopher Santos

There could be several reasons why the button works for some and not for others.  You can reach out to our support team here so that we can help investigate this issue further.

In addition to Karl's suggestion, you can also try using the embed block (Multimedia > Embed) to insert a PDF to your course.  To do this, you will need to do a couple of things:

  1. Host the PDF online.  If you don't have a hosting solution yet, there are a couple of suggestions provided here that you can try out.
  2. Add this line of code to the Multimedia > Embed block:
    <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500"></iframe>

Change the URL to point to the location of your PDF in your hosting provider.  You can also change the width and height in the above code to suit your needs or even leave it out altogether.

Here's a short recording of how you can insert the <iframe> code and how the PDF will look like in the block:



Christopher Santos

There could be several reasons why the button works for some and not for others.  You can reach out to our support team here so that we can help investigate this issue further.

In addition to Karl's suggestion, you can also try using the embed block (Multimedia > Embed) to insert a PDF to your course.  To do this, you will need to do a couple of things:

  1. Host the PDF online.  If you don't have a hosting solution yet, there are a couple of suggestions provided here that you can try out.
  2. Add this line of code to the Multimedia > Embed block:
    <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500"></iframe>

Change the URL to point to the location of your PDF in your hosting provider.  You can also change the width and height in the above code to suit your needs or even leave it out altogether.

Here's a short recording of how you can insert the <iframe> code and how the PDF will look like in the block:
