Where do I edit the cover page text?

Aug 08, 2023

I suspect this may be staring me in the face but I can't for the life of me find it. I want to edit the text on the cover page. I can edit everything else in the course, including the graphic and logo for the cover but don't see edit anywhere. What am I missing?

Here's the share link: https://rise.articulate.com/share/qgVx8cJmwzRWHSpuROrl0oHjXnzn39zk

And here's the URL in authoring:


I am not sure either will let you see what I'm seeing, but I hope this is an easy answer. I'm not seeing any discussion about it. I know I initially edited it, because that's my text there. I can't get in to make the change the SME suggested. 

Thanks in advance.

Rise cover

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