Here's a template inspired by the notebook app in the iPad.  Here's a demo of the notebook published in a course.  If you want to edit the notebook, you can download the original file and make changes to the notebook.  Then save them as images and reinsert into PPT course slide.  Here's a tutorial that explains more.

Kara Eulgen

Tom, I used this background for Fraud Awareness course for my company, that needs to be released Sept. 11, 2012.  The master slides are too big for our company's bandwidth.   "bgd1|1.swf" is 3,887 KB and "bgd1|2.swf" is 3,630  KB and all swf files need to be under 2 MB.  This is because we have remote sales offices and the rest of their applications supposedly won't run if someone is taking a course.  Any ideas on how to help me?  I looked at the individual components of the slide masters and they are I can't really make the graphics any smaller.  For example, the leather cover is 237 KB and the leather strap with snap is 44 KB.  Can you explain how the master slides are turned into these huge SWF files what's on them is small?  In the future can you put the published size of ... Expand

Kara Eulgen