Ashley Chiasson
Ashley Chiasson
Instructional Designer & Consultant
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"HI Jackie - I think more practical posts are my most successful; Terminology Tuesday, the Weekly E-Learning Challenge Write-Up, and the n..."
  • 10 years ago04/25/14 at 2:51 am (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion Text to Speech Software Reccomendation
"Steve - I totally agree regarding the lazy/impersonal statement; text to speech is more of a tide-you-over kind of option, or one for tho..."
  • 10 years ago04/24/14 at 4:26 pm (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion Text to Speech Software Reccomendation
"I usually use Adobe Captivate's TTS functions."
  • 10 years ago04/24/14 at 3:50 pm (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion Resetting Interactions
"One would think; but we both know what assumptions make :P  I'm assuming you have it set as an Interactive interaction so the user can ad..."
  • 10 years ago04/24/14 at 10:47 am (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion Resetting Interactions
"Oh Shoot - that solution was for Storyline; my bad - give me a few moments :P"
  • 10 years ago04/24/14 at 9:25 am (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion Resetting Interactions
"Click on the cog/gear icon in the layer box, then select the option to "Reset to Initial State" - that should do it. Let me know if you e..."
  • 10 years ago04/24/14 at 9:21 am (UTC)
"Holy Hannah! So many great entries this week!"
  • 10 years ago04/24/14 at 5:18 am (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion "Storyboarding" in Storyline?
"Karen - the Defence sector LOVES Ruth Clark, I've been Clark'ed out I think :P Thank you for being generous and sharing your document!"
  • 10 years ago04/24/14 at 5:15 am (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion Quality or Content
"I agree with Bruce - whichever the client agrees to; however, sacrificing content can get you into hot water if you're teaching important..."
  • 10 years ago04/24/14 at 5:13 am (UTC)
"Alice - I definitely agree with Bruce; weekly meetings may seem like overkill, but they're not. They keep your team on the same page, wit..."
  • 10 years ago04/23/14 at 5:01 am (UTC)
"Will do - the post has been scheduled for tomorrow morning :P I'm currently in a couple of revision cycle, so I'm nodding to a lot of the..."
  • 10 years ago04/22/14 at 5:26 pm (UTC)
"Adam - I loved this! LOVED! It's so true I'm going to use this infographic as a jumping off point for tomorrow's blog post - stay tuned!"
  • 10 years ago04/22/14 at 2:58 pm (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion How do you motivate your Project Team?
"That's great, Alice! Another tip - within our industry, there's always constructive criticism and revisions, and some folks are less 'enc..."
  • 10 years ago04/19/14 at 2:50 am (UTC)
"Love it Patrick! I can definitely feel the sports vibe in the audio!"
  • 10 years ago04/18/14 at 3:55 pm (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion Examples of bad eLearning, anyone?
"I went through a few skillsoft courses on Microsoft Office that almost made me cry...primarily because I couldn't turn the audio off and ..."
  • 10 years ago04/18/14 at 9:19 am (UTC)
"Tim - your templates inspired me :P Gave me some get up and go!"
  • 10 years ago04/18/14 at 7:33 am (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson started a new discussion Time-Lapse Demo: A Very Basic Storyboard Template
"Today's blog post is one of a new series (time-lapse demos and tutorials), and I'm pretty excited about it! I started with something very..."
  • 10 years ago04/18/14 at 7:13 am (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion How do you motivate your Project Team?
"Hi Alice - I've struggled with this one on my own; everyone has moments when motivation lags behind (while the project keeps going). I li..."
  • 10 years ago04/18/14 at 6:48 am (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion Build or Buy Your Training Talent?
"Hi Rob - It's likely more cost-effective to identify an individual within your organization, as these individuals often times know the su..."
  • 10 years ago04/17/14 at 8:41 am (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion Help me explain this...
"Hi Aaron, You'll see from the following thread, that the answer will likely be "it depends". There are so many variables in play, that ea..."
  • 10 years ago04/17/14 at 7:12 am (UTC)
"Nancy Woinoski said: I also give the source files to my clients. As Harri says, they paid for the work. It is in the best interest of the..."
  • 10 years ago04/17/14 at 6:56 am (UTC)
"Hi Padma - I think this is a struggle, regardless of the audience. We want to make learning an engaging experience - no one wants to make..."
  • 10 years ago04/16/14 at 5:07 pm (UTC)
"I just added a little write-up about my entry - hooray!"
  • 10 years ago04/16/14 at 5:02 pm (UTC)
"Michael - I LOVED what you based your quote on…so true :P Abram - What your peers hear you do…also SO TRUE! Rachel - I too have no ..."
  • 10 years ago04/16/14 at 4:18 am (UTC)
Ashley Chiasson replied to the discussion Explaining complex processes?
"Hi Louis - Any tabbed-style of layout would work well for what you're looking to do. As an example: One of my portfolio items explains a ..."
  • 10 years ago04/16/14 at 4:11 am (UTC)