Averil Robertson
Averil Robertson
Faculty Liaison Librarian at Anglia Ruskin University
Averil Robertson started a new discussion Url for previewing
"Hi I'm trying to find the site where I can upload my files and generate a url that can be shared with others for comments before I publis..."
  • 11 years ago02/14/13 at 3:15 am (UTC)
Averil Robertson started a new discussion Sound on revisited slides
"Hi This might have been answered elsewhere but I can't find it... I'm working on a Storyline tutorial (my first!) where I have students c..."
  • over 11 years ago09/03/12 at 8:50 am (UTC)
Averil Robertson started a new discussion Can't open my project
"Hi I've been working on a project and published it to LMS, and it opened fine yesterday. Later on that day, it started hanging and I got ..."
  • over 11 years ago08/08/12 at 5:06 am (UTC)
Averil Robertson started a new discussion Library tutorials
"Hi I’m trying to find examples of library tutorials created with Articulate so I can persuade my employer to buy a licence! Can anyone p..."
  • over 12 years ago01/23/12 at 7:25 am (UTC)