Charlie X
Charlie X
Charlie X started a new discussion Player issues in Canvas
"The content (an embeded video) plays with the next button disabled, it then takes the user to the next page where the next button is now ..."
  • 9 days ago05/23/24 at 11:03 am (UTC)
Charlie X started a new discussion Minor but inconvenient shadow problem
"Hello. FYI. The text box's shadow is not visible unless I go to preview. It's a minor inconvenience but can be annoying if I miss it on ..."
  • 6 months ago11/28/23 at 9:28 pm (UTC)
Charlie X started a new discussion 3-Column Gallery
"I do not want a bigger image. Is there a way to prevent users from clicking the thumbnail?"
  • 8 months ago10/10/23 at 12:05 pm (UTC)
Charlie X started a new discussion Rise not registering progress
"Hello. We have a user who has progressed through the course and exits before finishing it. The next time the user logged in, the blue che..."
  • 11 months ago07/04/23 at 11:41 pm (UTC)