Grassroots Suicide Prevention
Grassroots Suicide Prevention
Grassroots Suicide Prevention
Grassroots Suicide Prevention started a new discussion Has anyone created a myth/fact series on storyline they would be happy to share?
"I am writing a myths/facts about suicide section and wonder if any of you have example of cool myths/facts sorting scene I could reuse an..."
  • over 2 years ago12/08/21 at 11:23 am (UTC)
Grassroots Suicide Prevention started a new discussion Building a mental health and suicide prevention course
"I work for a charity and would like to create a storyline course addressing supporting mental health in the workplace and suicide prevent..."
  • over 2 years ago10/08/21 at 10:04 am (UTC)
Grassroots Suicide Prevention started a new discussion Unable to download thevitatlity asset
"I have a 2 months trial sub and I want to design a course using the vitality template, as i need a dark background for my slides due..."
  • almost 3 years ago07/27/21 at 9:48 am (UTC)