Jade Phan
Jade Phan
East Coast Migrant Head Start Project
Jade Phan replied to the discussion Can't set "Enter" as a trigger
"Good morning Nathanial, Thank you so much for working on this! It helps a lot and makes the assignment much more streamlined. (:"
  • 3 months ago02/26/24 at 2:50 pm (UTC)
Jade Phan replied to the discussion Can't set "Enter" as a trigger
"Thank you Steven!"
  • 3 months ago02/26/24 at 2:48 pm (UTC)
Jade Phan started a new discussion Can't set "Enter" as a trigger
"Morning everyone! I'm relatively new to Storyline 360 and am wanting to add "enter" as a submission button to show if users typed t..."
  • 4 months ago02/16/24 at 3:05 pm (UTC)