Malvika Malhotra
Malvika Malhotra
Malvika Malhotra started a new discussion Layers
"Hi, Is this file - just about layers and layers? I have given it a try in attached file."
  • 10 months ago08/02/23 at 5:51 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Bingo - Shapes
"When selected from shapes - circles come as group. Not sure why."
  • 10 months ago08/02/23 at 4:15 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Button Set
"Got it."
  • 10 months ago07/31/23 at 3:47 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra started a new discussion Layers
"Hi, Why are layers in my attached file not working like in the link -"
  • 10 months ago07/28/23 at 9:45 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra started a new discussion Button Set
"Hi, In my attached file, I want text for each image to appear on click like in the below link. However, the file is not working as ..."
  • 10 months ago07/28/23 at 8:52 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra started a new discussion Bingo - Shapes
"Hi, Why is my BINGO file not working as appropriate? Regards Malvika"
  • 10 months ago07/28/23 at 5:38 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Image - Camaflouge
"It was something like this done?"
  • 10 months ago07/27/23 at 11:31 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Slider
"Understood the point. Thank you Michael."
  • 10 months ago07/27/23 at 11:16 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Slider v2
"Your file is not opening Michael. But I think I got your message. Attaching my revised file. "
  • 10 months ago07/27/23 at 7:56 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra started a new discussion Slider v2
"Hi, Why is slider not working? reg..."
  • 10 months ago07/26/23 at 10:49 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra started a new discussion Slider
"Hi, Why is slider in the attached file not showing layers? I want layers to show up with each slider movement. Regards Malvika"
  • 10 months ago07/26/23 at 7:47 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra started a new discussion Graph and Chart Presentation
"Hi, Is something like this done via motion path? Regards Malvika"
  • 10 months ago07/26/23 at 7:05 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Layers - Variables
"What combinations can be used to complete the project?"
  • 10 months ago07/26/23 at 6:56 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Layers - Variables
"How can this resolved?"
  • 10 months ago07/26/23 at 6:38 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Image - Camaflouge
"how can we add such a background? "
  • 10 months ago07/26/23 at 6:37 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Avatar - Selection
"Got it. Thanks a bunch for helping."
  • 10 months ago07/26/23 at 6:33 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Variable - Number
"Thank you Michael for identifying the error. "
  • 10 months ago07/26/23 at 6:30 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Marker
"So basically, I will have to grey out the rest characters for each layer? "
  • 10 months ago07/26/23 at 6:14 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Marker
"But then how can I have other characters greyed out while the one on layer stays, like in the example below."
  • 10 months ago07/24/23 at 8:52 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra started a new discussion Variable - Number
"Hi, Why is bird not hopping from one base to next base on click of Hand icon and working of Number variable. Regards Malvika"
  • 10 months ago07/24/23 at 6:52 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Avatar - Selection
"This helps. But, how can I re-order triggers? In the attached screenshot, I deleted a trigger and re-set it. However, it again sets in no..."
  • 10 months ago07/24/23 at 3:18 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Layers - Variables
"So, don't i set triggers to question 1, 2 or 3?"
  • 11 months ago07/21/23 at 5:30 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Avatar - Selection
"Isn't this file exactly same as above Avatar file. Selection of characters work well in Jagged file. "
  • 11 months ago07/21/23 at 4:33 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra started a new discussion Avatar - Selection
"Hi, Why is avatar not reflecting. It does get reflected usually, not sure what is going wrong in the attached file. Regards Malvika"
  • 11 months ago07/20/23 at 4:44 am (UTC)
Malvika Malhotra replied to the discussion Layers - Variables
"Hi Tomni, Added triggers on base layer BUT something still missing. Regards Malvika"
  • 11 months ago07/20/23 at 4:39 am (UTC)