Math Notermans
Math Notermans
Expert E-learning designer, developer and animator at Tilburg University of Law
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Math Notermans replied to the discussion How GSAP can Transform Storyline Animations
"As Articulate offers little or no Javascript support, its up to us in the community. GSAP itself has great tutorials, Snorkl-TV especiall..."
  • 2 days ago07/24/24 at 12:36 pm (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Keep variable changes
"For sure, yes. As all triggers act sequentially, use that. Set var b to the value of a. Only then change A."
  • 2 days ago07/24/24 at 12:30 pm (UTC)
"You could use separate overlays for each menuitem. Then you can target them individually and hide them if a user needs to be able to go b..."
  • 17 days ago07/10/24 at 10:56 am (UTC)
"Noticing just now that you point to my solution and ask if and how to fix it in Articulate's JS files. Well you can change the frame JS-f..."
  • 18 days ago07/09/24 at 8:48 am (UTC)
"In fact i have this worked out quite a while ago. ...and came to the conclusion that instead of stopping and restarting the events.. it ..."
  • 18 days ago07/09/24 at 8:36 am (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion 3d Parallax Effect using Javascript
"You donot need TiltJs to create a tilting effect. You can do it with GSAP. And GSAP is build into Storyline. Here you can see that work...."
  • 23 days ago07/03/24 at 3:26 pm (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion 3d Parallax Effect using Javascript
"First ensure you load your libraries... jQuery and Tilt. If that works...the rest is easy."
  • 23 days ago07/03/24 at 3:16 pm (UTC)
"Similar. Work 99% in Lectora nowadays. Only plus that Articulate has above Lectora is this community."
  • 23 days ago07/03/24 at 3:12 pm (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion An Easy-to-Use Animated Menu Using GSAP
"Nice and complete explanation Nathaniel :-)"
  • 25 days ago07/01/24 at 12:45 pm (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Stop / reset JavaScript in a storyline
"15 hours of chatGPT? oh my in that time you can learn the basics of Javascript..."
  • 29 days ago06/27/24 at 5:08 pm (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Animate a dashed line in Storyline with GSAP
"If it works, donot try to fix it ;-)"
  • 1 month ago06/21/24 at 3:25 pm (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Storyline Player in Canva
"To test something like really need an Instructure Canvas is, Canvas LMS has to many 'particular'-approach for Sco..."
  • 1 month ago06/21/24 at 9:36 am (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Storyline Player in Canva
"I published as Scorm.... uploaded that into the files folder...unzipped all it still is Scorm...and then embedding the html......"
  • 1 month ago06/21/24 at 9:32 am (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Storyline variable data type bug
"Always use ' parseInt( )' to process calculations. As is variables in Storyline can tend to be strings. When they change to strings i can..."
  • 1 month ago06/21/24 at 9:14 am (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Change state of button from Javascript?
"Completely agree with you....and i seldom use default buttons in my projects. Most of the times make them as i want/need them from images..."
  • 1 month ago06/20/24 at 8:48 am (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Change state of button from Javascript?
"Clear, and actually obvious. The internal actions that happen when clicking a normal button probably miss and somehow should be triggered..."
  • 1 month ago06/19/24 at 12:42 pm (UTC)
"As is this would been easy to show...but as Articulate changes HTML-structure without notice on whats changing on updates, the recent upd..."
  • 1 month ago06/19/24 at 10:04 am (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Change state of button from Javascript?
"As i show here in this video posted on LinkedIN, this is the approach you can take to change states of buttons and images directly. http..."
  • 1 month ago06/19/24 at 7:23 am (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Animate a dashed line in Storyline with GSAP
"Gsap as is, is included in Storyline so no need to add. I will share a sample on how to register plugins properly and work with that on o..."
  • 1 month ago06/18/24 at 1:24 pm (UTC)
"It for sure is. As the Storyline menu is nothing more then a simple list, you only need to know what element to select and instead of all..."
  • 1 month ago06/18/24 at 8:28 am (UTC)
"Here i show a solution for this. What you would need to get it working in your setup is some conditions ( either plain Storyline or Javas..."
  • 1 month ago06/17/24 at 4:50 am (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion PNG downloading time in the browser
"Try TinyPNG, works wonders in decreasing size."
  • 1 month ago06/16/24 at 10:24 am (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Storyline Player in Canva
"Im not sure if this helps... but uploading the Scorm to the files folder and then referring to it like this... <iframe class="ef-file-..."
  • 1 month ago06/14/24 at 5:24 pm (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Animate a dashed line in Storyline with GSAP
"Yeah shouldnot be an issue. It might have to do with the type of ease you are using...or someother elements or script is interrupting thi..."
  • 1 month ago06/14/24 at 4:08 pm (UTC)
Math Notermans replied to the discussion Adding Chat GPT functionality to Storyline
"Explaining things like that i gave up on on this forum. And i completely agree with the statement about Articulate. It is their responsib..."
  • 1 month ago06/14/24 at 2:53 am (UTC)