Peter Plourd
Peter Plourd
"just FYI attached is the file that is created even though I get the error I attached previously"
  • 4 years ago03/20/20 at 2:16 pm (UTC)
"To jump on J H's bandwagon yes I am working locally and I have the same version of SL 360. Seeing this error when trying to Export to XLI..."
  • 4 years ago03/20/20 at 2:09 pm (UTC)
"I am attached the SL 360 file I have been using to do my translations"
  • 4 years ago03/19/20 at 5:41 pm (UTC)
"Were you able to resolve J H's issue? I am experiencing the exact same problem she showed in the video."
  • 4 years ago03/19/20 at 5:40 pm (UTC)